The Department of Public Safety (DPS) mandates a minimum of 30 hours of driving practice for teenagers, with 20 hours dedicated to daytime driving and 10 hours to nighttime driving. Our exclusive package offers novice drivers comprehensive instruction in not only understanding right-of-way rules, traffic laws, and regulations but also in developing essential skills. From pre-drive inspection and mirror/seat adjustments to advanced techniques such as scanning observations, vehicle control, and various types of parking maneuvers (including angle, perpendicular, and parallel parking), learners receive thorough training. Additionally, they learn about navigating uncontrolled and T intersections, making safe turns, negotiating 2-way vs. 4-way stops, controlling speed, executing emergency stops, understanding stopping distance, city driving strategies, proper lane changes, effective U-turns, interpreting traffic signs and signals, mastering railroad crossings, and more. This package also covers, freeway entry and exit, changing lanes at high speeds, freeway and service road navigation, U-turns under overpasses, left turns under overpasses, and making right turns at red lights on service roads.